To bring a Heightened Experience of life to each individual ... Physically, Mentally, and Neurologically... so they may lead an optimal existence.
- An Ultra-Modern, Bad-Ass, Elite Luxury Brand
- Accelerate your Evolution
- Sexy. Intelligent. Fitness.
- From Delicate to Dynamic
- From Fragile Fierce
To bring our mission to each city. Building facilities that teach this work.... for the well off, the average person, and the under-privileged. We have our own original movement systems, life coaching systems, martial arts, sports, weight competitions, games, and much more planned for each one.
- Professional/Semi-Professional Athletes
- Weekend Warriors
- Sportspeople
- Fitness buffs
- Gym Goers and Geeks
- Obstacle Course Racers
- You
NeuroPhysical High-Performance trainer… Lyric Ginsberg accelerates individuals and groups to their fitness goals. He is the founder of Spiral Kinetic® Evolutionary Fitness, Personal Acceleration® Coaching, Evolved Love™ Relationship systems, and the philosophy of Embodied Realism™.
With over 30 years in the excellence industry, his fitness work has helped hundreds of people heal and develop athletic prowess in their chosen sport or event… accelerating their performance and giving them access to new inner abilities.
His door is open to the next success being YOU.
Inner and Outer fitness….
Your body was made to move in spirals. It really is that simple. And not just in a
graceful way, but in a powerful way, with all the strength that you can muster; giving birth to the possibility of so much more.